No Dress Code for Sunday Service Contemporary and Traditional Music on Sunday service Weekly Communion Sunday Worship Service 9:50 AM Adult Sunday School 9 AM Nursery Available (Sunday) Kids’ Section in the Sanctuary Sermons are not too Long... Some Couches to Sit on Comfortably during Worship Service

Our Mission

Do you want to join our mission?
We have multiple missions.
  • After School Program
  • Project Outreach (Food Pantry)
  • Healing Team
  • RI Loaves and Fishes (food truck)
  • Nursing Home Visit

Reconciling Congregation

We are a Reconciling Congregation. That means that we welcome every person into all aspects of church life in the fullness of who they are, whether gay, straight, bisexual, cisgender, transgender, lesbian, queer, SGL, questioning or otherwise. We support marriage equality and welcome same gender loving couples to participate in marriage preparation and to get married in the church. We affirm the gifts of LGBTQ people for ministry and service at all levels of church life.

Worshiping with Kids

Children 5 and under can either go to a nursery or stay in the sanctuary. Our nursery always has 2 people to follow our Safe Sanctuary policy and the service is live streamed to the nursery. If you and your child(ren) choose stay at the sanctuary, that is good as well. There are chairs and tables for kids in a little section at the back of the sanctuary. Whatever makes you and your children comfortable is the way we want you to feel at our church.

Children are invited to join the whole congregation for worship for singing, gathering, and a children’s message. After the children’s message, kids are invited to follow our teachers and the other kids upstairs for Sunday School, which includes bible lessons, prayer, games and fun. Children come back to the sanctuary in time for communion and our circle closing. If a child would rather stay with his/her family, they are welcome to remain for the whole worship service.

Bible Studies

We have 3 Bible studies. All of them are informal and we extend our fellowship. Please come to any of them and enjoy a cup of tea.

  1. Sunday 9:00 (Library)
  2. Tuesday 1:30 (Emily Pine Parlor)
  3. Wednesday 1:15 (Pastor’s Office)
Want to know more about us?

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